We simplify your financial life and provide straightforward strategies to help you pursue financial independence. We don’t believe in overly complex solutions or industry jargon. Instead, we aim to streamline your financial life and help you pursue your version of financial success.

Wealth Planning

We believe the best approach to building wealth is by simplifying your finances and getting to the heart of the issue. With your goals as a guide, we develop a custom financial plan to get you where you want to be. We take time to get to know you, your family, your goals for the future and any challenges that may stand in your way. We then look for opportunities to streamline your accounts and investments in order to ensure all aspects of your financial life are working together toward your goals.

It’s important to us that you understand every strategy being employed on your behalf. That’s why we meet with you regularly to review your plan and identify any changes necessary to meet your ever-evolving financial needs. Our goal is to serve as a long-term partner in helping you pursue your goals.

Retirement Income Planning

We understand the anxiety you may be feeling as you approach retirement. You may be wondering:

  • “How will I replace my monthly salary?”
  • “Will I have enough?”
  • “What’s the best strategy for withdrawing from my various accounts?”
  • “When should I begin taking Social Security?”
  • “Will my family be okay if something happens to me?”

At Kuhns Wealth, it’s our job to help you answer these questions and feel confident in your ability to retire. To do so, we gradually shift your portfolio from growth-focused to income-focused as you near retirement. Once you’ve retired, we implement a low-risk strategy to cover your monthly living expenses. This strategy takes into account your Social Security benefits, marital status, life expectancy, income retirement, large purchases, retirement goals and more.

Ongoing, we make changes to your retirement income strategy as your live evolves over time. We strive to provide you with the confidence of knowing you are well positioned for a comfortable retirement.

Estate and Legacy Planning

If your goals include leaving a financial legacy for the people and/or causes that matter most to you, we’re here to help. A solid estate plan plays a key role in ensuring a lasting legacy for your loved ones and favorite charities. We help you identify the necessary estate planning documents based on your personal financial situation. We then work alongside your estate planning attorney to help ensure your legacy goals are executed in a tax-efficient manner.

We can also use estate planning strategies to help minimize your taxes. These strategies may include donor-advised funds (DAFs), foundations and appreciated stock donations.

Ready to get started?

A top-notch employer-sponsored retirement plan can be a great way to attract and retain quality employees. We help business owners evaluate, implement and maintain retirement plan options to help maximize their employee’s retirement savings while also providing tax benefits to your company.

  • 401(k) profit sharing plan
  • Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE IRA/SIMPLE 401(k))
  • Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP-IRA)

Ready to get started?

Schedule a call with a member of our team.